Nederlands: Alpine skullcap
Español: Tercianaria alpina - Escutelaria alpina - Hierba de la celada - Tercianera
Français: Toque des Alpes
Deutsch: Alpen-Helmkraut
Family: Labiatae - Mint family
Flowering time: June-August
Height: 10-30cm
Altitude: 1600-2600m
Colour: lilac-white, blue-violet, purple-white
Leaves: small, veined, oval, toothed, hairy
Habitat: screes, pastures, screes, stony limestone slopes
Distribution: Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Italy, Romania, France and Spain
Synonym: Scutellaria alpina subsp. alpina
Note: ´Scutellaria´ means ´small dish´, refering to the shape of the calyx. Alpine skullcap can be found in the Alps (mainly western Alps), Apennines, Balkans, Pyrenees, Picos de Europa and Sierra Nevada. Scutellaria alpina is on the Red List of vascular flora of Andalucia, classified as ´vulnerable´.
Related key words: alpine plant, Cerler-Ampriú (Benasque), Ezcaurre (Ansó), Peña Telera (Piedrafita de Jaca), Castanesa-Lago Bacibé (Montanuy)