Nederlands: Oranje havikskruid
Français: Piloselle orangée - Épervière orangée
Deutsch: Orangerote Habichtskraut
Family: Asteracea - Daisy famiy
Flowering time: June - August (sometimes still in autumn)
Height: 30 to 60cm
Altitude: to 2600m
Colour: orange- red, rust-orange
Leaves: mostly in a basal rosette, bluish-green, elliptical to lanceolate, untoothed
Habitat: meadows, waste habitats, waysides, cultivated land
Distribution: north and central Europe, extending to southern France and Bulgaria
Synonym: Pilosella aurantiaca
Notes: Flowers in fairly tight clusters, between 2 and 12 capitula (flowerheads). All parts of the plant exude a milky juice. Orange Hawkweed is a naturalized species in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Iceland. It has been introduced into Australia, New Zealand and North America where it escaped from gardens. In some parts of the world it is considered an invasive species. Orange Hawkweed is able to establish itself in disturbed sites and invade intact native vegetation. There are two sub-species of Orange Hawkweed: Hieracium aurantiacum subsp. auranticola and Hieracium aurantiacum ssp. carpaticola which is more widespread.
Related key words: Rotterdam, Botanische tuin Kralingen, alpine flower, noxious weed