Nederlands: Grote muggenorchis
Español: Orquídea Fragante - Dedos citrinos
Français: Orchis moucheron - Orchis moustique - Gymnadénie moucheron
Deutsch: Mücken-Händelwurz - Mücken Nacktdrüse - Langsporn-Händelwurz - Fliegen-Händelwurz - Große Händelwurz
Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Flowering time: May-August
Height: 25-80cm
Altitude: to 2700m
Colour: pink to pink-purple, more rarely white
Leaves: unspotted, linear-lanceolate, plain green, decreasing in size up the stem
Habitat: grassland, open scrub, marshes, dunes, fens, more especially on calcareous soils
Distribution: most countries of Europe, but not in mediterranean area, nor in the far north

Notes: The scented flowers have a distinctive three lobed lip and long spurs. They are hermaphrodite and pollinated by insects, mainly butterflies and moths. Large numbers in the Alps and chalk grasslands in Germany and France. Gymnadenia conopsea is on the Dutch Red List, Belgium Red List and European Red List of vascular plants. This species is sometimes divided in Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea and Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. densiflora (Dichtblutige Mucken-Handelwurz - Gymnadénie moucheron var. densiflora) with the variety Gymnadenia conopsea var. friesica (Tengere muggenorchis).
Related key words: Heemtuin Tenellaplas Rockanje, Orchideeëntuin Gerendal, Zuid-Limburg, Welterberg, Vrakelberg, Kunderberg (Voerendaal), Wijlre akkers (Stokhem), kalkgrasland, chalk grassland, blauwgrasland, Nederlandse Rode Lijst, Vlaamse Rode Lijst, Europese Rode Lijst, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Rioseta (Aísa), Barranco Arriel (Sallent de Gállego), Barranco Sardello (Espot-Boí), Picos de Europa, Alps