Nederlands: Stinkende gouwe
Español: Celidonia mayor - Hierba golondrinera - Hierba berruguera
Français: Grande Chélidoine - Grande Éclaire - Chélidoine majeure
Deutsch: Schöllkraut
Family: Papaveraceae - Poppy family
Flowering time: April-autum
Height: 20-90cm
Altitude: to 1600m
Colour: bright yellow
Leaves: pale greyish-green
Habitat: waste round, open woodland, hedgebanks, old walls, moist-shaded habitats
Distribution: most countries of Europe

Notes: The seeds of Greater Celandine are small and black, borne in a long capsule. Each has an elaiosome, which attracts ants to disperse the seeds. Cultivated since medieval times, the latex being used for curing warts and as an eye ointment. It is considered an invasive plant in some areas.
Related key words: Rotterdam, Kralingse Bos, Botanische tuin Kralingen, Amsterdam, stadsflora, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Picos de Europa, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Huétor, Granada, Andalucía