Français: Séneçon à feuilles d'adonis
Family: Asteraceae - Daisy family
Flowering time: July-September
Height: 25-60cm
Altitude: 1200-2300m
Colour: yellow
Leaves: deeply divided with linear segments
Habitat: pastures, woodland clearings, stony slopes
Distribution: mountainous areas of France and Spain
Synonym: Jacobaea adonidifolia

Note: Senecio adonidifolius is used like other ´arnicas´, flowers are macerated in alcohol and applied to bruises, burns and wounds.
Related key words: Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Cerler-Ampriú (Benasque), San Donato (Unanua), Portalet (Sallent de Gállego), Aigüeta la Vall (Eriste), Picos de Europa