Español: Alfiler del Trevenque
Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family
Flowering time: June-August (again in September-October)
Altitude: 1000-2000m
Colour: pink
Habitat: dolomite formations of the Sierra Nevada (Granada), arenales del Trevenque
Distribution: Endemic species of the Sierra Nevada, Andalucía, Spain

Notes: Erodium boissieri is one of the plants that is well adapted to extreme temperature changes and to the lack of a fertile, moist soil and high concentrations of minerals of the dolomite formations on the west side of the Sierra Nevada. It can only be found around Monte Trevenque (2083m) in southern Spain. This endemic species of the Sierra Nevada mountain range is on the ´Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular de Andalucía´. Erodium boissieri was named after the Swiss botanist Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810-1885).
Related key words: Sierra Nevada, Granada, Andalucía, Andalusië, Arenales del Trevenque, PR-A 21 Vereda del Canal de la Espartera, Jardín Botánico Hoya de Pedraza, Spain, Boissier, butterfly