Español: Correhuela de Sierra Nevada
Deutsch: Boissier-Winde
Family: Convolvulaceae - Bindweed family
Flowering time: June-July
Height: 2-10cm
Altitude: 1700-2000m
Colour: pale pink
Flower: to 2cm in diameter
Leaves: silvery white-hairy to 2cm or more long
Habitat: screes, among mountain rocks
Distribution: southern Spain

Notes: Convolvulus boissieri is a tufted and cushion-forming plant. This endemic species of southern Spain is on the ´Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular de Andalucía´. It can be found in a number of provinces of Andalucïa, for example in Granada where it grows in the dolomite formations of the Trevenque area. Convolvulus boissieri was named after the Swiss botanist Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810-1885).
Related key words: PR-A 19 Cuesta del Desmayo, PR-A 21 Arenales del Trevenque, Jardín Botánico Hoya de Pedraza, Sierra Nevada, Granada, Andalucía, Andalusië, Spain, Boissier