Nederlands: Turkse Lelie
Español: Martagón - Azucena silvestre - Lirio llorón - Bozo
Français: Lis martagon
Deutsch: Türkenbund -Türkenbund-Lilie
Family: Liliaceas - Lily family
Flowering time: June-August
Height: 40-120cm
Altitude: to 2800m
Colour: pink spotted with purple
Habitat: woods, scrubs, mountain meadows, generally calcareous soils, prefers shade
Distribution: Central Europe, in Spain in mountainous areas such as the Pyrenees, Picos de Europa and Sierra de Gredos.
Notes: Naturalized in Britain. A garden plant in the Netherlands and many other European countries.
Related key words: Heemtuin Tenellaplas Rockanje, bijgoed stinsenflora, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Sendero botánico, Valle de Estós (Benasque), Belagua (Isaba), Coll de Ladrones (Canfranc), Alps, alpine plant