Español: Azafrán de Sierra Nevada - Azafrán blanco - Azafrán silvestre
Family: Iridaceae - Iris family
Flowering time: February-April
Height: 5-15 cm
Altitude: up to 2500m
Colour: cream, white or pale lilac, with dark veins
Leaves: 3-5, 1-2.5mm
Habitat: mountain meadows and stony places
Distribution: eastern and southern Spain, Morocco, northern Algeria
Synonyms: Crocus nevadensis Amo & Campo - Crocus algeriensis Baker - Crocus atlanticus Pomel

Notes: The Crocus nevadensis is an ´endemismo iberonorteafricano´ and one of the earliest flowers to burst through. It has the amazing ability to thrive in the late winter or early spring, even where there is still quite a lot of snow. In sheltered spots, it may start to bloom in February. Crocus nevadensis subsp. marcetii can be found in northern Spain, in the Pre-Pyrenees and Asturias at altitudes up to 1800m. In the Alps a similar White Crocus can be found called Crocus albiflorus (Crocus vernus subsp. albiflorus), a species that can form carpets and that grows at altitudes up to 2700m.
Related key words: Capileira, Alpujarras, Puerto de la Ragua, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Huétor, Granada, Andalucía, Prepirineo