Nederlands: Wilgenroosje
Español: Adelfilla de hoja estrella - Laurel de San Antonio
Français: Épilobe en épi
Deutsch: Schmalblättrige Weidenröschen
Family: Onagraceae - Willowherb family
Flowering time: June - September
Height: 50-150cm
Altitude: to 2500m
Colour: violet, rose-purple
Habitat: Meadows, streambanks, riverbanks, screes, woodland margins, disturbed sites, waste places, felled woodland
Distribution: Throughout Europe, except in the far north. On the Iberian Peninsula it can be found in the northern part (Picos de Europa and Pyrenees).
Note: In southern Spain (Sierra Nevada) it is endangered and on the Red List of the Vascular Flora of Andalusia. In some areas it is a widespread and common species that forms large patches. It can become a serious weed, especially in gardens. Variable species of which the precise native distribution is uncertain.
Related key words: Rotterdam, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Sendero Botánico, Cerler-Ampriú, Valle de Literola (Benasque), Peña Forca (Hecho), El Portalet (Sallent de Gállego), Alps, alpine plant