Español: Clavel de puerto - Clavel del monte
Français: Oeillet de montpellier
Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Flowering time: May-August
Height: 10-50cm
Altitude: 800-2200m
Colour: pink, white
Habitat: pastures, scrub, clearings in pinewoods
Distribution: mountains of central and southern Europe
Note: in Spain common in the Pyrenees and Picos de Europa
Synonyms: Dianthus hyssopifolius subsp. hyssopifolius - Dianthus monspessulanus
Related key words: Pyreneeën, Pirineos, La Besurta, Puente de Corones (Benasque), Col de Ladrones (Canfranc), Peña de Hoz (Hoz de Jaca), Cotiella (Plan), Cerler-Ampriú