Nederlands: Bosanemoon
Español: Anémona de bosque - Flor del viento - Olor de zorro - Nemoroso
Français: Anémone sylvie - Anémone des bois - Sylvie
Deutsch: Buschwindröschen
Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Flowering time: March-May (sometimes again in the autumn)
Height: 10-25cm
Altitude: to 2000m
Colour: white, flushed with pink or blue on the outside
Leaves: deaply-lobed, toothed divisions, the basal leaves generally appearing after the flowers, musky smell
Habitat: woodland, scrub, hedgderows, grassland; usually on calcareous or neutral soils
Distribution: western and central Europe

Note: Anemone nemorosa starts blooming soon after the foliage emerges from the ground, one flower per stem. It is grown as an ornamental plant and it can form carpets (colonial growth) in woodlands. The flowers are pollinated by insects, especially hoverflies. The plant contains poisonous chemicals. In the Netherlands the subspecies Anemone nemorosa ´Vestal´ can be found, a naturalized cultivar. This is a ´double´ form of the native Wood Anemone.
Related key words: Rotterdam Kralingse Bos, Heemtuin Vlaardingen, Landgoed Elswout Overveen, stinsenplant, stinzenplant, stinzenflora, Stinsenplanze, plantes castrales, duivelsbeet, rappebloem, toxic plant, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Rioseta (Canfranc), Pacino (Sallent de Gállego), Lago San Mauricio (Espot), Picos de Europa