Nederlands: Wilde hyacinth - Boshyacinth
Español: Jacinto de bosque - Jacinto de los bosques
Français: Jacinthe des bois - Jacinthe sauvage
Deutsch: Atlantische Hasenglöckchen
Family: Asparagaceae - Asparagus family
Flowering time: April-May
Height: 0,15-0,50cm
Altitude: to 1500m
Colour: violet–blue, rarely pinkish or white
Habitat: woods, heaths, mountains, sea cliffs
Distribution: western Europe, northern Spain, naturalized from gardens in Germany
Synonyms: Scilla non-scripta - Endymion nutans
![Bluebell flowers are rich in pollen and nectar, and are chiefly pollinated by bumblebees, although they are also visited by butterflies, like the Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone - Citroenvlinder - Limonera - Citron - Zitronenfalter)](
![Bluebell visited by a Pieris napi (Green-veined White - Klein geaderd witje - Blanca verdinervada - Piéride du navet - Rapsweißling)](
Note: The flowers are strongly and sweetly scented. Bluebell flowers are rich in pollen and nectar, and are chiefly pollinated by bumblebees, although they are also visited by various other insects like butterflies. Bluebells have the ability to reproduce vegetatively using runners, which means that they can spread rapidly. They are associated with ancient woodland where they can produce carpets of violet–blue flowers. There are in ´bluebell woods´ for example in Great Britain and in Belgium. In many countries in hybridises with the related Hyacinthoides hispanica, forming a species known as Hyacinthoides × massartiana.
Related key words: Heemtuin Tenellaplas Rockanje, Lycklamabossen (Aldemardum), naturalized cultivar, stinsenplant, stinzenplant, stinzenflora, Stinzeplanzen, plantes castrales, kruishyacinth, Muziekbos, Hallerbos, insect, butterfly