Nederlands: Koninginnekruid - Leverkruid
Español: Cannabina - Eupatoria - Régano de agua
Français: Eupatoire à feuilles de chanvre - Eupatoire chanvrine
Deutsch: Gewöhnliche Wasserdost - Kunigundenkraut
Family: Asteraceae - Daisy family
Flowering time: July-September
Height: 0,50-175cm
Altitude: to 1500m
Colour: pink, occasionnaly white
Habitat: banks of rivers and lakes, sides of ditches, at the base of cliffs on the seashore, other damp places
Distribution: throughout Europe, except in the far north
Notes: Few other plants can be better at attracting butterflies and other insects than Hemp-agrimony.
This is one of the reasons why this nectar-rich plant is cultivated in gardens. It is a host plant for a number of moths.
![Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp-agrimony - Koninginnekruid](
![Hemp-agrimony's leaves look slightly like hemp's, as its Latin name refers to](
![Hemp-agrimony with Hesperia comma (Silver-spotted Skipper - Kommavlinder - Dorada manchas blancas - Comma - Komma-Dickkopffalter)](
![Hemp-agrimony with Limenitis reducta (Southern White Admiral - Blauwe ijsvogelvlinder - Ninfa de arroyos - Sylvain azuré - Blauschwarze Eisvogel)](
![Hemp-agrimony with Inachis io/Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell - Kleine vos - Ortiguera - Petite Tortue - Kleine Fuchs)](
![Hemp-agrimony attracts many butterflies and other insects.](
Related key words: Rotterdam, Pyrenees, Cañón de Añisclo, Vlindertuin Waalre, butterfly