Veronica hederifolia

English: Ivy-leaved Speedwell - Ivyleaf speedwell
Nederlands: Klimopereprijs
Español: Hierba gallinera
Français: Véronique à feuilles de lierre
Deutsch: Efeu-Ehrenpreis - Efeublättriger Ehrenpreis

Family: Plantaginaceae-Plantain family
Flowering time: March-August (February-May in Spain)
Height: 5-10cm
Altitude: to 1800m
Colour: pale blue, pale lilac
Flower: 2-2,5mm, solitary
Leaves: kidney-shaped, hairy, 3-7 lobes
Habitat: cultivated land, deciduous woods, hedgerows
Distribution: many European countries, probably introduced in much of northern Europe

Notes: Ivy-leaved Speedwell is a low hairy annual herb growing from a taproot and producing stems of 60 centimeters long which are branched at the base. The stems are lined with rounded leaves with blades which are divided shallowly into 3 to 5 lobes and borne on petioles. Solitary pale lilac flowers occur in leaf axils. Veronica hederifolia is often self-pollinated. It germinates in autumn and blooms in early spring. In Europe four subspecies are distinghuished: Veronica hederifolia subsp. hederifolia (Akkerklimopereprijs), Veronica hederifolia subsp. lucorum (Bosklimopereprijs), Veronica hederifolia subsp. insularis and Veronica hederifolia subsp. triloba. Veronica hederifolia subsp. lucorum grows more upright, the end lobe of its leaves is longer than wide and the style on the capsule only 0,5mm long (not 07-1mm).

Related key words: Harderbos Biddinghuizen, Sierra de Huétor