Scrophularia vernalis

English: Yellow Figwort
Nederlands: Voorjaarshelmkruid
Français: Scrofulaire printanière
Deutsch: Frühlings-Braunwurz

Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family
Flowering time: April-June
Height: 15-80cm
Altitude: to 1800m
Colour: greenish-yellow
Flower: 6-8mm
Leaves: oval, generally heart-shaped at the base, deeply toothed, stalked
Habitat: mountain woods, shaded habitats, waste places, dunes
Distribution: mountains of central and western Europe; France and southern and central Germany

Notes: Scrophularia vernalis is a medium to tall, softly glandular-hairy biennial or perennial with a square stem. This plant is pollinated by bees. Yellow Figwort is naturalized in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden.

Related key words: Kapittelduinen Hoek van Holland, bijgoed stinsenflora, insect, Andrena haemorrhoa, bee plant