Nederlands: Slangenkruid
Español: Viborera - Culebrera - Buglosa
Français: Vipérine commune
Deutsch: Gewöhnliche Natternkopf - Blaue Natternkopf
Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family
Flowering time: May-September
Height: 20-90cm
Altitude: to 2300m
Colour: pale to bright blue or blue violet, pink in bud
Habitat: dry open habitats, pastures, roadsides, fallow land, olive groves
Distribution: throughout Europe, except in the far north

Notes: Viper's Bugloss is the first year only a basal rosette of narrow leaves. The flowers develop in the second year. After maturation of the seeds the plant dies back and the two-year cycle repeats itself.
Related key words: Alpujarras, finca, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Cerler-Ampriú, Nigüelas, Sierra Nevada, waardplant, host plant, butterfly, Hummingbird hawk-moth