Rhinanthus angustifolius

English: Narrow-leaved Rattle - Narrow-leaved Yellow Rattle
Nederlands: Grote ratelaar
Español: Cresta de gallo - Pitinos
Français: Rhinanthe à grandes fleurs - Rhinanthe à feuilles étroites
Deutsch: Große Klappertopf

Family: Orobanchaceae - Broomrape family
Flowering time: May-September
Height: 10-80cm
Altitude: to 2500m
Colour: yellow
Habitat: meadows and other grassy habitats, sand-dunes
Distribution: throughout Europe, except in the extreme north
Notes: variable species
Synonym: Rhinanthus serotinus


Related key words: Rotterdam, Ommoordse veld, Oostvoone, Groene strand, Gerendal, Pyrenees, Pyreneeën, Pirineos, Cerler-Ampriú, Picos de Europa